
Relevant Links

Artistic Sources – an incredible website hosting a scanned library of botanical books dating back to the 1400s


Art Links – Victoria and Albert Museum, London. A celebration of objects – Santa Fe’s magical museum of folk art from around the world – Paris’ Cluny Museum. A special place and Paris’ most underpublicized cultural treasure – the most amazing and strangest shop in Paris featuring taxidermy masterpieces – Royal British Columbia Museum – take two days for this one, it never ends. Inserts you into different worlds like no other museum I have ever been to. – Mingei International Museum  – a San Diego treasure – Royal Gardens at Kew – London’s amazing Victorian glass palaces filled with amazing plants – my most favorite cathedral in the world (in Sienna, Italy) – look at the floor – Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam (Rembrandt and Vermeer)


Northwest Art Links – Laura Russell’s wonderful gallery focusing on artist made books

Elizabeth Leach Gallery –

Russo Lee Gallery –

Augen Gallery –

Charles Froelick Gallery –

Pacific Northwest College of Art –


Inspirational Links

Powell’s Books –

Daedalus Books – 2074 NW Flanders, Portland

The Tezeta Band – – The Intertwine Alliance


Favorite Books


A Place of One’s Own, Michael Pollan

Botany of Desire, Michael Pollan

Hortus Eystettensis, Basilius Besler

The Collector, Jack Nisbet

The Snoring Bird, Bernd Heinrich

A More Beautiful Question, Warren Berger

Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert

Wild in the City, Mike Houck and MJ Cody

Silva of North America, Charles Sprague Sargent

Humboldt’s Cosmos, Gerard Helferich

Seeing is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees, Robert Irwin

Holdfast, Kathleen Dean Moore

Refuge, Terry Tempest Williams

Ways of Seeing, John Berger

The Book, Alan Watts

Desert Solitaire, Edward Abbey

Blink, Malcolm Gladwell

The Age of Wonder, Richard Holmes

Down the Great Unknown, Edward Dolnick

The Brother Gardeners, Andrea Wulf



Raise High the Roof Beam Carpenters, J.D. Salinger

Seymour, An Introduction, J.D. Salinger

Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger

Nine Stories, J.D. Salinger

Dancing at the Rascal Fair, Ivan Doig

The Brothers K, James David Duncan

I Know This Much is True, Wally Lamb

A Signature of All Things, Elizabeth Gilbert

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Michael Chabon

Marten Martin, Brian Doyle

Mink River, Brian Doyle